Frequently Asked Questions

The Community Choice Award is a special recognition open to all the schools named in the Top 10 shortlists of the World’s Best School Prizes. This award is separate from the five main prizes and is solely based on public votes. Whilst the Judging Academy is responsible for deciding the winners of the World’s Best School Prizes, the Community Choice Award winner is determined by the public's votes.

Each individual is allowed to submit only one vote for their favorite school among the five categories.

Anyone can vote. There are no restrictions for voting - you only need a valid email address (and access to that email inbox) to confirm your vote.

Yes, they are allowed to vote - all the data they share during our registration process will be protected as stated in our T4 Privacy Policy.

Voting is free for everyone.

No, you can only vote for one school across the five categories. All fifty schools compete on the same grounds for the Public Vote, regardless of the categories in which they are running for the World’s Best School Prizes.

If you don’t have an email address to register, unfortunately, you will not be able to vote. Every voter needs to confirm their vote through their email inboxes to ensure the vote is valid to guarantee a fair voting process.

All you need is to have a valid email address to confirm your vote. We will send you an email right after you submit your voting form. If you aren't able to confirm your vote via your email, unfortunately, we can't count your vote.

If you can't find the email in your inbox per your provided email address, please check your Spam folder. If you still can't find it, please contact us at

The winner of the Community Choice Award will be unveiled at the Winning Ceremony of the World’s Best School Prizes, an online global celebration, open to anyone to attend. More information at:

The deadline for public voting is June 28th at 23:59 GMT.